Canal House Cooking at Carter & Cavero

Canal House Cooking Vol 5

Can you say that fast three times?

Meet the authors of this wonderful series of cookbooks on Saturday, October 16, Noon-3:00pm at Carter & Cavero on Palmer Square.  Melissa Hamilton and Christopher Hirsheimer will be there for a demonstration/tasting and to sign copies of the latest issue of Canal House Cooking – Volume No. 5, “The Good Life.”

I am always raving about these books, so go see for yourself, they are truly exceptional (and they make great gifts, especially the annual 3-volume subscription.)

 While you’re there, be sure to taste Carter & Cavero’s olive oils and other gourmet products, too (the website gives you a good idea).  With all those goodies, you could probably knock off most of your holiday shopping in short order here.

3 thoughts on “Canal House Cooking at Carter & Cavero

  1. Even though I don’t consider myself a cook, I am so inspired by the Canall House cooks and thier Canal House Cooking series. The recipes are timely and real and the photography is amazing. These are esteemed professionals in the food, magazine and coobook worlds who have created a way to live and work in their own studio and produce (they write, photograph and publish themselves) each of these wonderfully personal volumes! Don’t miss meeting them!

  2. We just got ours in the mail this week. I am looking forward to making some delicious fall items after a trip to the orchard (Terhune) this weekend.

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